Saturday, November 21, 2020

Nov2020PAD day 21 - tell blank

Tell me again

It wouldn't matter if I was a whiz.
Who I am with or time it is.
I feel like I am always asking.
Could you repeat what you just said.

I don't wear a mask over my ears.
So why do I keep asking?

You would think I don't clean my ears 
But that would be just absurd to hear.
Of course I clean them. 
I hear the birds but struggle to hear you.

I don't wear a mask over my ears.
So why do I keep asking?

Online zooming is how I work.
So talking at the same time. I am not a jerk.
There I go asking that question again.
Sorry you go first and repeat what you just said.

I don't wear a mask over my ears.
So why do I keep asking?

My wife has a better theory than anyone.
I figured it to was just a crazy pun. 
But the real reason for my hearing lose.
Has to do with my selective hearing.

So I guess I do have a mask over my ears.
That is why I keep asking. 

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