Saturday, November 28, 2020

Nov2020PAD day 28 - remix

 A True Love Is

I do declare the wedding of true love.
Two minded people are sealed from on high.
Change can and does happen, no need to shove,
Even if neither don't cares to deny.

It's not the ship that will take you this far,
Life will try to force it's marks upon you.
but both are focused on that guiding star.
And this love, true love, will help you both through.

The clock's tick tock will never stop at all.
Though you'd want moments to never be through.
Love covers you ev'n if hitting a wall.
Goes until even you throw in your shoe.

Love can be seen many in other forms
But I see it this way as it transforms.

Wedding vow poem for Josh and Hailey based upon Shakespeare's sonnet 116

A true love is 

I do declare the marriage of true love.
Two minded people sealed from above.
Change can happen in your lover,
Even if neither wants to uncover. 
It's not the ship that will take you far,
but your focus on that guiding star. 
Life will force marks upon you.
Love, true love will help you through.

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