Monday, November 16, 2020

Nov2020PAD day 16 - response

 Princess Love Story

My love I will wait for you true.
Though fallen by sword I just knew.
My life is finished without you.
You'll proceed with only a view.

I was told that the love my life,
Has fallen dead to mortal strife.
Dare say I could live much longer.
My heart gives out, I can't conquer.

You would think to be nice to us.
Separate us without any fuss.
Eternity is not gentle.
I can't have him, so I scream mental.

This was written as a response to day 14 memory poem called "Your beauty inspires me", which is based upon the persona poem from day 8 called "Warrior and Princess", which is based upon the Aztec legendary story of a warrior Popocatepetl  and Princess Iztaccíhuatl

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